Live Bright Now Blog

Bright thoughts on company culture, leadership, family and adventure + awe.

leadership, company culture, family culture Candra Canning leadership, company culture, family culture Candra Canning

Bag It, Barter It, or Brighten It: A Simple Way to Design a Brighter Life

I really hate unloading the dishwasher. (Weirdly, loading it’s no problem). If I had to rate how much I dislike this chore on a scale of -10 to 10, it would be somewhere around an -7. As a point of reference, having to take the dog out in the middle of a busy day is a 2. Letting myself sneak off for a quick nap after the dog walk is an 8.

As you can tell, I’ve given a lot of thought to quantifying how much I enjoy or dread certain aspects of my day. That’s why I’ve come up with a way to do less of what I dread and more of what I love. Inspired by my former coach, Martha Beck, I call this system, “Bag It, Barter It, or Brighten It.” It’s a powerful way to design your life so it’s as bright as possible.

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